Wednesday, May 13, 2009

peom explain

ex: With moon light
the night (rhyme)

The rhyme can create rhythm for the poem. Rhythm is important to a poem. It can also make the poem sounds like a poem.

ex: Silently slightly without sad (alliteration)

Similar to rhyme, alliteration can create rhythm too. 's' is a soft pronounce letter so that it reveals a bland and mirth atmosphere.

ex: From the vaguely clearly shadow of brighten darken trees ( paradox)

"vaguely" and "clearly" are antonyms. "brighten" and "darken" are antonyms. They seem imposable but the picture is really in this way.

ex: Owls looking ( imagery , symbolize)
Owls is a animal that everyone know so that when people hear the word "owl" they will reveal a vivid figure of this bird in their mind. For most kind of owls prey at night or dawn, they are regarded as the symbol of night, darkness and mystery.

ex: "With moon light the night" and "The night with moon light" (repetition)
This sentence is the beginning and ending of the poem. It describe the situation where the poem created. The repetition impress the feeling while the beginning and ending are not totally same. In this style, the second stanza is looks like the shadow of first one. It's similar to the picture.

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