Monday, March 23, 2009

fur trade

This is a picture of a beaver.Beavers have nice fur on their skin that makes beavers became the important member of the fur trade in Canada.Later in the 16th centry,wide-brimmed hats came into fashion while the soft underfur of beavers is the best material of this kind of hat.The damand for beaver pelts increased tremendously.

There are two major beaver pelt:coat beaver and parchment. Coat beaver pelt is that the inner side were scraped and rubbed with animal marrow, then sewn the pelt into robes. After several months of wear, the long guard hairs fell out, their roots loosened by the scraping, and the skins became oiled and pliable. Parchment pelt were sun dried immetiately after skinning.

1 comment:

  1. Picture 1 -- Be careful of your spelling. Good ideas. 2.5/3

    Picture 2 -- 2/3 Tell me more about your ideas!
    What do you see in the picture?
